
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Get to know you BINGO !!

In room 3 we had to create a grid and our partner has to fill it out. My partner was Cooper MC and he had to fill in mine. Check them out !!

Find 2 people in the class that likes Cars

Sophie And Eden 

Find a boy in the class who likes eating Kiwi fruit

Find a boy who likes sleeping

Find a 9 year old girl

Find a girl in the class who likes big macs


Find a boy in the class who has blonde hair

Find a boy who likes minecraft 

Find a girl in the class that hates minecraft

Find a girl in the class who does not like school


Find someone in the class who loves school

Mrs Wallbank
Find a boy in the class who likes math

Find a boy whos favorite colour is pink

No one

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Animal Alphabet by Eden and Rebekah

For writing we had to come up with a slide about animals in alphabetical order. Check out what animals we chose!

It was really fun making this slide, especially  making it with a buddy, but it was really hard to come up with a animal starting with x but after lots of researching we found one in the end.
What was your favourite animal ?

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Poetry Recital

This Term we had to choose a poem or a song and learn it off by heart. Then we had to read it to the class and be judged by it.  This is the poem that I chose.


Cold summer ice cream getting swirled into the cone 
I thought It was for me but it's my brother’s. I start to groan. 
We all head to the park, But when we get there dogs start to bark.
My brother and Dad play some football but then my brother trips and my ice cream starts to fall.
We all head home it's been a long day my Mum and Dad say it's bedtime And all I say is " OK
have a good night and sleep tight.

What did you like about it ?  Do you think I will remember my poem ? 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Who Knows Me Best

This Week In Room 3 we played a game called who knows me best with our Besties. My 2 friends were Jonnie And Violet. You can check out Jonnies blog if you want. And here is Violet's blog   

When we made the video It was very hard because there was so much background noise. They got to learn a lot about me and I was surprised that they didn't Know some of the questions.    Did you learn something new about me?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Who Do You Think You Are

This Term our Topic is Identity and we are going to learn more about ourselves.

This is a photo of me when I was a baby. My birthday is in June. When I was young I used to suck my fingers and I had a special blanket. What did you do when you were young?